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RESPONDING TO GBV CASES (on school campuses)

Strengthening relationships with existing mechanisms (Dean of Students Affairs)

This will provide institutions of higher education with effective strategies for addressing sexual assault, intimate partner violence, dating violence, and stalking on campus through a more involved relationship between the students’ bodies (such as NANS, SU, Faculty and departmental organizations) and the University Students Affairs Division (DSA). These strategies are based on a comprehensive prevention and intervention model suitable and unique to each university campus as well as attract grants and financial support for designed intervention and preventive programmes.

GBV Change Agents and Support Group

Establishing a specific group/ organization for the purpose of preventing and responding to GBV cases in the university campuses by students is a tool in the fight to end GBV in the university communities. These change agents and support groups serve as activists against the continued existence of toxic masculinity, dating violence, sexual harassment by lecturers etc. These support groups and change agents can also take advantage of the resourcefulness of social media in preventing and reporting GBV.